
Arc Guide to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Individuals Age 25 and Older

Background on WIOA

WIOA is a 2014 federal law. WIOA is a law for job programs across the country. The law is to provide job seekers access to:

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Training
  • Support services


People with Disabilities

Some parts of WIOA impact people with disabilities. A goal of WIOA is to ensure people with disabilities have the support to look for work in the community. The goal is to make at least minimum wage and work with people without disabilities.


Section 511: Limitations on the Use of Subminimum Wage

In 2016, WIOA placed limitations on the use of subminimum wage. Subminimum wage jobs are jobs that pay less than the federal minimum wage. Many jobs at center-based day programs pay subminimum wages. Some community-based group employment, such as work crews or enclaves, pay subminimum wages.

People 25 and older who are already make subminimum wages or plan to take jobs that pay subminimum wages:

  • Must meet with a career counselor.
    The counselor provides information and referral services twice in the first year. This is the informed choice process. After the 1st year, this meeting is once a year.
  • May refuse counseling and information and referral services.
    Then they cannot have a subminimum wage job.


What does this mean for me?

You must make an informed choice about the type of job you want.
An informed choice means you can explore and understand your:

  • Benefits
  • Options
  • Potential risks
  • Ways to get past barriers

Vocational Rehabilitation has contractors to provide career counseling. They also provide information and referral services. Your day service provider will connect you to them to start counseling services.



Vocational Rehabilitation Services Information on WIOA, Section 511
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development- Vocational Rehabilitation Services information on WIOA
Minnesota Department of Human Services information on WIOA



For further information or advocacy services, contact The Arc Minnesota at 833-450-1494 or visit www.arcminnesota.org. (Please note: This document is not legal advice. No information should replace the advice of an attorney.)

All rights reserved (c) 2019 The Arc Minnesota