Use this resource to register to vote online. Learn how to register on paper, on Election Day, and more. The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office provides this resource.
Voter turnout surged among citizens with disabilities in 2020, as it did in 2018. In Minnesota, turnout increased from 58.7% in the 2016 general election, to 76.3% in 2020. Typically, we see less people vote in local election years like 2021 and mid-term elections like 2022. We need to maintain our momentum!
17.7 million people nationwide with disabilities reported voting in the November 2020 elections. However, combined with a recent U.S. Election Assistance Commission study finding that 11% of voters with disabilities had some type of difficulty voting in 2020, this indicates a total of 1.95 million voters with disabilities experienced voting difficulties.
The Arc Minnesota wants everyone to know how important it is to vote. When you vote, you are choosing elected officials who will make decisions about issues that have an impact on your life. By voting, you have a chance to shape policies that will affect the entire community.
We believe in the self-advocacy movement motto, “nothing about us without us”, and that includes voting! We want you to feel empowered to vote, so we made this toolkit to make sure you are ready for the elections this year.
Scroll down to access information about voter registration, important election dates, how to vote early, how to vote on Election Day, and voting tools for self-advocates and The Arc Minnesota regional offices & nonprofits. Learn more about the voting process below or by visiting The Arc US Voting Resources.
Primary Election Day
First Day to Early Vote by Mail or In Person for the General Election
National Disability Voting Rights Week
Last Day to Register for Early Voting in the General Election
Last Day to Early Vote by Mail or In Person for the General Election
General Election Day