Find resources and support:

The Southeast Region provides programs and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families in Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Olmsted, Rice, Wabasha, and Winona counties.

To keep up with The Arc Southeast Region on social media, visit our Facebook page.

Regional Programs and Supports

The Southeast Region of The Arc Minnesota provides a variety of services to residents in the counties listed above, including advocacy for individuals and families, information and referral, workshops for parents, support in finding independent housing, and more.

See the full list of Southeast Region supports




The Arc Minnesota is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our programs and services are made possible through the generosity of donors like you. Donations can be sent to your regional office or made online and designated to your region. You can also make a gift in honor or in memory of an individual or individuals.

If you would like to mail in a gift to the Southeast Region, print out our donation form.  The Southeast Region has an Endowment Fund to support the ongoing work of The Arc in the Southeast Region. Contact Buff Hennessey for more information.

Make a donation 


Other Resources

In addition to The Arc Minnesota, there are other agencies in the Southeast Region that work individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families. Watch this space for any updates.


Thanks to the following individuals for their service on the Southeast Regional Council:

Peggy O’Toole-Martin, President; Vicki Hildman, Secretary; Joan Bucher, Treasurer; Jim Maronde, Past President; and the following council members:  Charlie Applequist, Ryan Gosch, Kim Norton, Kevin Smith, Vince Thoreson, and Rhonda Wingert

Contact the Southeast Region

6301 Bandel Road NW, Suite 605
Rochester,  MN 55901

Local: 507.287.2032

Toll-free: 888.732.8520