COVID-19 - The Arc Minnesota The Arc Minnesota promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:23:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID-19 - The Arc Minnesota 32 32 Tej Kev Sib Tham Pom Duab uas hais txog kab mob COVID-19 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:13:52 +0000 Los sib txuas ua ke txog tus kab mob COVID-19 thiab tej kev cuam tshuam rau cov neeg tsis taus.

The post Tej Kev Sib Tham Pom Duab uas hais txog kab mob COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Tej Kev Sib Tham Pom Duab uas hais txog kab mob COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Los sib txuas ua ke txog tus kab mob COVID-19 thiab tej kev cuam tshuam rau cov neeg tsis taus. Koom cov tswv cuab ntawm Minnesota Consortium rau Cov Neeg Pej Xeem uas Tsis Taus thiab Tuam Tsev Hauj Lwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Hauv Minnesota yog xav paub ntau ntxiv txog tus kab mob sib kis COVID-19, cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob, thiab qhov yuav nkag mus cuag tau kev saib xyuas mob nkeeg.

Txhua lub koom txoos yuav muaj ASL thiab CART, nrog rau muj cov ntawv sau ua ntawv Hmoob, ntawv Somali, thiab ntawv Xabpeesniv.

Zeeg 1: Tej Txiaj Ntsim ntawm Qhov Txhaj Tshuaj Txhawb Ntxiv

Hnub tim: Hnub Monday, Lub Kaum Ib Hlis Tim 21
Lub sij hawm: 11:30-1:00

Tso npe rau ntawm no:

Koj puas paub tias muaj koob tshuaj txhaj txhawb ntxiv tiv thaiv tus kab mob COVID-19 rau cov me nyuam yaus thiab cov neeg laus? Koob tshuaj no tuaj yeem pab tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj mob loj los ntawm tus kab mob sib kis omicron. Kawm paub los ntawm lub chaw MDH cov kws paub zoo txog koob tshuaj txhaj txhawb ntxiv thiab seb nws pab tau li cas. Tau txais cov lus teb rau koj cov nqe lus nug, thiab tau txais cov ntaub ntawv uas yuav muab qhia rau hauv koj lub zos.

Zeeg 2: Tej Ntaub Ntawv Tseem Ceeb: Kev Kaw Tej Ntaub Ntawv Hais Txog Kev Tsis Taus

Hnub tim: Hnub Tuesday, Lub Kaum Ob Hlis Tim 6
Lub sij hawm: 11:30-1:00

Tso npe rau ntawm no:

Tuam Tsev Hauj Lwm Saib Xyuas Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Hauv Minnesota tab tom muab cov qauv ntaub ntawv hais txog kev tsis taus coj los siv rau thawj zaug. Peb xav muab qee cov ntaub ntawv hais txog kev tsis taus uas ntsig txog rau tus kab mob COVID-19 thiab peb cov kev npaj rau yav tom ntej rau kev suav sau cov ntaub ntawv kev noj qab haus huv txog cov neeg tsis taus ntawd coj los sib faib qhia rau sawv daws. Muab koj tej lus xam pom sib faib qhia thiab sib tham txog tej kev nyuaj los sis tej tswv yim ntawm lub chaw MDH tsim nyog yuav tsum xav txog.

Zeeg 3: Kev Mus Cuag Taug Kev Saib Xyuas Mob Nkeeg COVID-19

Hnub tim: Hnub Monday, Lub Kaum Ob Hlis Tim 19
Lub sij hawm: 11:30-1:00

Tso npe rau ntawm no:

Qhov Kev Sib Koom Tes nrog MDH, Lub chaw Arc Minnesota and Multicultural Autism Action Network tab tom ua hauj lwm txog kev kuaj ntsuas kab mob COVID-19, kev kho mob, thiab kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob. Mus koom zeeg sib tham no es thiaj li paub tej xov xwm hais txog kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob rau hauv lub xeev thiab tej chaw kuaj ntsuas thiab kho kab mob. Muab koj tej lus xam pom thiab kev paub los sib faib qhia mus los rau sawv daws es thiaj li yuav mus cuag tau kev saib xyuas kab mob COVID-19.

The post Tej Kev Sib Tham Pom Duab uas hais txog kab mob COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Tej Kev Sib Tham Pom Duab uas hais txog kab mob COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Aan Wada Xiriirno – Wadahadalka Fogaan araga Muhiimka u ah Bulshada oo ku saabsan COVID-19 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:08:37 +0000 Aan ka wada xiriirno wax ku saabsan COVID-19 iyo saameynta uu ku leeyahay bulshada naafada ah. Ku soo biir xubnaha

The post Aan Wada Xiriirno – Wadahadalka Fogaan araga Muhiimka u ah Bulshada oo ku saabsan COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Aan Wada Xiriirno – Wadahadalka Fogaan araga Muhiimka u ah Bulshada oo ku saabsan COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Aan ka wada xiriirno wax ku saabsan COVID-19 iyo saameynta uu ku leeyahay bulshada naafada ah. Ku soo biir xubnaha ururka Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities iyo Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Minnesota macluumaad muhiim ah oo ku saabsan cudurka faafa ee COVID-19, tallaalada, iyo helitaanka daryeelka caafimaadka.

Dhammaan dhacdooyinka waxay lahaan doonaan ASL iyo CART, iyo sidoo kale luuqada Hmong, Soomaali, iyo Ishbaanishka.

Aan Wada Xiriirno: Faa’iidooyinka la kordhiyay/xoojiyay

Isniinta, Nofeember 21, Waqtiga: 11:30 – 1:00

Halkaan iska diiwaangeli: 

Ma ogtahay in uu jiro xoojiye cusub oo COVID-19 ah oo loogu talagalay carruurta iyo dadka waaweyn? Waxay kaa caawin kartaa ka hortagga jirooyinka halista ah ee noonce omicron. Wixii ku saabsan xoojinta laba geesoodka ah iyo sida ay u shaqeyso ka baro khubarada MDH-ka. Jawaab u hel su’aalahaaga, oo hel macluumaad aad la wadaagto bulshadaada.

Aaan Wada Xiriirno – Arimaha Xogta: Xiritaanka Farqiga Xogta Naafada

Talaado, Deseembar 6, Waqtiga: 11:30 – 1:00

Halkaan iska diiwaangeli:

Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Minnesota waxay qaadanaysaa heerarka xogta ee naafonimada markii ugu horeysay. Waxaan rabnaa inaan wadaagno qaar ka mid ah xogta curyaannimada aasaasiga ah ee ku saabsan COVID-19 iyo qorshaheena mustaqbalka si aan u soo aruurino xogta caafimaadka ee ku saabsan dadka naafada ah. La wadaag jawaab-celintaada oo kala hadal wixii caqabadaha ama fikradaha ah MDH-yada waa inay tixgeliyaan.

Casharka 3aad: Helitaanka Talada ee Daryeelka Caafimaadka COVID-19

Isniinta, Deseember 19, Waqtiga: 11:30-1:00

Halkaan iska diinwaangeli:

Iyada oo lala kaashanaayo MDH, Arc Minnesota iyo Multicultural Autism Action Network waxay ka shaqeynayaan baaritaanka COVID-19, daawaynta, iyo helitaanka tallaalka. Ku soo biir casharkaan si aad u hesho sheekooyin bulsheed cusub oo loogu talagalay tallaalka ay dowladda maamusho iyo goobaha lagu baaro oo laguna daaweeyo. La wadaag fikradahaaga iyo khibradaada ku saabsan qaabab kale ee lagu hagaajinaayo helitaanka daryeelka caafimaadka COVID-19.


The post Aan Wada Xiriirno – Wadahadalka Fogaan araga Muhiimka u ah Bulshada oo ku saabsan COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Aan Wada Xiriirno – Wadahadalka Fogaan araga Muhiimka u ah Bulshada oo ku saabsan COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Conversaciones comunitarias virtuales sobre la COVID-19 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 16:58:45 +0000 Conversemos acerca de la COVID-19 y sus impactos en las personas con discapacidad. Acompañe a los miembros del Consorcio de

The post Conversaciones comunitarias virtuales sobre la COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Conversaciones comunitarias virtuales sobre la COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Conversemos acerca de la COVID-19 y sus impactos en las personas con discapacidad. Acompañe a los miembros del Consorcio de Ciudadanos con Discapacidades de Minnesota (MNCCD) y al Departamento de Salud de Minnesota (MDH) para obtener información importante sobre la pandemia de COVID-19, las vacunas y el acceso a la atención médica.

Todos los eventos contarán con lenguaje de señas estadounidense (ASL) y traducción en tiempo real para el acceso a la comunicación (CART), así como con el idioma hmong, somalí y español.

¡Conectémonos!: Beneficios de Recibir Dosis de Refuerzo

Lunes 21 de noviebre, de 11:30 am a 1 pm

Regístrese aquí:

¿Sabía que hay una nueva dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 para niños y adultos? Puede ayudar a proteger contra enfermedades graves causadas por la variante ómicron. Aprenda de los expertos del MDH acerca de la vacuna de refuerzo bivalente y cómo funciona. Obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas y recursos para compartir en su comunidad.

¡Conectémonos!: Los datos importan: Reducir La Brecha en Los Datos Sobre Discapacidid

Martes 6 de diciembre, de 11:30 am a 1 pm

Regístrese aquí:

El Departamento de Salud de Minnesota adoptará por primera vez normas de datos sobre discapacidad. Queremos compartir algunos datos básicos sobre discapacidad en relación de datos de salud sobre personas con discapacidades. Comparta sus comentarios y converse sobre los desafíos o las ideas que el MDH debería considerar.

¡Conectémonos!: Avanzar en El Acceso a La Atención Médica de COVID-19

Lunes 19 de diciembre, de 11:30 am a 1 pm

Regístrese aquí:

En colaboración con el MDH, The Arc Minnesota y la Multicultural Autism Action Network están trabajando en el acceso a pruebas, tratamiento y vacunas contra la COVID-19. Únase a esta sesión para obtener nuevas narrativas sociales para los centros de vacunación y de pruebas para el tratamiento administados por el Estado. Comparta su opinión y su experiencia sobre otras formas de mejorar el acceso a la atención médica de COVID-19.

The post Conversaciones comunitarias virtuales sobre la COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Conversaciones comunitarias virtuales sobre la COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Let’s Connect: COVID-19 Series Fri, 11 Nov 2022 22:00:20 +0000 Let’s connect about COVID-19 and its impacts on the disability community. Join members of the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with

The post Let’s Connect: COVID-19 Series first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Let’s Connect: COVID-19 Series appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Let’s connect about COVID-19 and its impacts on the disability community. Join members of the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities and the Minnesota Department of Health for important information about the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines, and healthcare access.

The Arc Minnesota is helping to host three upcoming events! These three events are about is part of the Let’s Connect – Virtual Community Conversations about COVID-19 event series. All events will have ASL and CART, as well as Hmong, Somali, and Spanish language.

Review this event series in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong

Benefits of Being Boosted

November 21, 2022 at 11:30 am to 1 pm

Register here:

Did you know there’s a new COVID-19 booster for children and adults? It can help protect against serious illness from the omicron variant. Learn from MDH experts about the bivalent booster and how it works. Get answers to your questions, and gain resources to share in your community.

Data Matters: Closing the Disability Data Gap

December 6, 2022 at 11:30 am to 1 pm

Register here:

The Minnesota Department of Health is adopting data standards on disability for the first time. We want to share some basic disability data around COVID-19 and our future plans to gather health data about persons with disabilities. Share your feedback and discuss any challenges or ideas MDH should consider.

Advancing Access in COVID-19 Health Care

December 19, 2022 at 11:30 am to 1 pm

Register here:

In partnership with MDH, The Arc Minnesota and Multicultural Autism Action Network are working on COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccine access. Join this session to get new social narratives for state-run vaccine and test-to-treat sites. Share your input and expertise about other ways to improve access to COVID-19 health care.

The post Let’s Connect: COVID-19 Series first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Let’s Connect: COVID-19 Series appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Kheyraadka COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya Thu, 15 Sep 2022 19:33:47 +0000 Aad ayay u adkaan kartaa si loo kala saaro dhammaan macluumaadka laga heli karo ee COVID-19. Si aan wax u

The post Kheyraadka COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Kheyraadka COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Aad ayay u adkaan kartaa si loo kala saaro dhammaan macluumaadka laga heli karo ee COVID-19. Si aan wax u fududeeyno, waxaan soo diyaarinay liiska macluumaadka ee COVID-19 si aan kaaga caawino oo aad ugu gudubto cudurkaan. Boostadaan, waxaan ku soo bandhigeynaa dhowr macluumaad oo ku saabsan tallaallada, baaritaanka, ka hortaga, iyo guud ahaan macluumaadka iyo agabka ee COVID-19.

Macluumaadkaan dhammaantooda way ku jiraan Soomaali.

These resources are in Somali.


Tallaaladu waxay muhiim u yihiin ka hortagga faafitaanka COVID-19. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, way adkaan kartaa in la helo macluumaadka loo baahan yahay si loo sameeyo go’aan xog ogaal ah. Hoos waxaa ah xoogaa agab ah oo ku saabsan tallaallada COVID-19, oo ay ku jiraan macluumaadka guud, agabka tallaalka, iyo macluumaadka ku saabsan muhiimada tallaallada.

Baaritaanka COVID-19

Tijaabadu waa qalab kale oo muhiim ah oo lagu xaddidayo fiditaanka COVID-19. Hoos waxaa ku yaal qaar ka mid ah agabyada imtixaanka, oo ay ku jiraan dulmar guud, macluumaadka habka, iyo muhiimada imtixaanka.

Ka hortagga

Tallaalka iyo baarista, waxaa jira tillaabooyin kale oo aan qaadi karno si aan uga hortagno COVID-19. Tallaabooyinkan waxaa ka mid ah waji-xidhka, fogeynta bulshada, iyo ku dhaqanka nadaafadda wanaagsan. Hoos waxaa ku yaal qaar ka mid ah ilaha kuwaas oo faahfaahinaya siyaabaha kale ee aad naftaada iyo kuwa kaleba uga ilaalin lahayd COVID-19.

Warbixin guud

Waxaa jira ilo badan oo halkaas ka jira oo bixiya macluumaad badan oo kala duwan oo la xiriira masiibada. Hoos waxaa ku yaal qaar ka mid ah macluumaadka guud ee COVID-19, oo ay ku jiraan boggag internet oo leh ilo dheeraad ah.

Si aad u hesho ilo badan oo luqado badan ku hadla oo ku jira shabakada Arc Minnesota, fadlan booqo kuwan:

The post Kheyraadka COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Kheyraadka COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Cov ntaub ntawv COVID-19 Thu, 15 Sep 2022 19:33:08 +0000 Nws tuaj yeem yooj yim los txheeb xyuas txhua yam ntaub ntawv uas muaj txog ntawm COVID-19. Txhawm rau ua

The post Cov ntaub ntawv COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Cov ntaub ntawv COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Nws tuaj yeem yooj yim los txheeb xyuas txhua yam ntaub ntawv uas muaj txog ntawm COVID-19. Txhawm rau ua kom txhua yam yooj yim dua, peb tau sau cov npe ntawm cov chaw pab cuam txog ntawm COVID-19 los pab koj taug qab tus kab mob sib kis thoob ntiaj teb no. Hauv tsab ntawv tshaj tawm no, peb nthuav qhia ntau yam kev pab cuam ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv, kev sim, kev tiv thaiv, thiab cov ntaub ntawv ntau yam ntawm COVID-19 thiab cov chaw pab cuam.

Cov chaw pab cuam no txhua yam nyob hauv Hmoob.

These resources are in Hmong.

Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob

Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tseem ceeb heev los tiv thaiv kev sib kis ntawm COVID-19. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tuaj yeem nyuaj nrhiav cov ntaub ntawv xav tau los txiav txim siab paub. Hauv qab no yog qee qhov peev txheej ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv COVID-19, suav nrog cov ntaub ntawv dav dav thiab cov ntaub ntawv hais txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv.

Kev sim

Kev sim yog lwm yam cuab yeej tseem ceeb los txwv kev kis tus kab mob COVID-19. Hauv qab no yog qee qhov kev pab cuam ntawm kev sim, suav nrog cov ntsiab lus dav dav, cov ntaub ntawv ntawm cov txheej txheem, thiab qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev sim.

Kev tiv thaiv

Nrog rau kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab kev sim, muaj lwm yam kev ntsuas uas peb tuaj yeem ua los tiv thaiv COVID-19. Cov kev ntsuas no suav nrog kev npog ntsej muag, kev nyob sib nrug deb, thiab xyaum ua kom huv si zoo. Hauv qab no yog qee cov peev txheej uas piav qhia lwm txoj hauv kev los tiv thaiv koj tus kheej thiab lwm tus los ntawm COVID-19.

Cov ntaub ntawv dav dav

Muaj ntau cov kev pabcuam nyob rau ntawd uas muab ntau yam ntaub ntawv ntsig txog kev sib kis. Hauv qab no yog qee cov ntaub ntawv dav dav ntawm COVID-19, suav nrog cov nplooj ntawv web nrog cov peev txheej ntxiv.

Yog xav paub ntau hom lus ntawm Arc Minnesota lub vev xaib, thov mus saib hauv qab no:

The post Cov ntaub ntawv COVID-19 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Cov ntaub ntawv COVID-19 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Recursos de COVID-19 en español Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:07:29 +0000 Puede ser abrumador ordenar toda la información disponible sobre el COVID-19. Para facilitar las cosas, hemos recopilado una lista de

The post Recursos de COVID-19 en español first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Recursos de COVID-19 en español appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Puede ser abrumador ordenar toda la información disponible sobre el COVID-19. Para facilitar las cosas, hemos recopilado una lista de recursos sobre el COVID-19 para ayudarle a navegar por esta pandemia. En esta publicación, presentamos varios recursos sobre vacunas, pruebas, prevención e información y recursos generales sobre el COVID-19.

Todos estos recursos están en español.

These resources are all in Spanish.


Las vacunas son vitales para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19. Sin embargo, puede ser difícil encontrar la información necesaria para tomar una decisión informada. A continuación se encuentran algunos recursos sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19, que incluyen información general, recursos para vacunarse e información sobre la importancia de las vacunas.


Las pruebas son otra herramienta importante para limitar la propagación de COVID-19. A continuación, se incluyen algunos recursos sobre las pruebas, que incluyen una descripción general, información sobre el proceso y la importancia de las pruebas.


Junto con la vacunación y las pruebas, existen otras medidas que podemos tomar para prevenir el COVID-19. Estas medidas incluyen el uso de máscaras, el distanciamiento social y la práctica de una buena higiene. A continuación hay algunos recursos que detallan otras formas de protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás del COVID-19.

Información general

Existen muchos recursos que brindan una amplia gama de información relacionada con la pandemia. A continuación se incluye información general sobre el COVID-19, incluidas páginas web con más recursos.

Para obtener más recursos multilingües en el sitio web de Arc Minnesota, visite lo siguiente:

The post Recursos de COVID-19 en español first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post Recursos de COVID-19 en español appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

ASL Accessible COVID-19 Toolkit Thu, 21 Jul 2022 21:24:49 +0000 It can be challenging to sort through all the COVID-19 information out there, especially when this information is not equally

The post ASL Accessible COVID-19 Toolkit first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post ASL Accessible COVID-19 Toolkit appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

It can be challenging to sort through all the COVID-19 information out there, especially when this information is not equally accessible to everyone. The Sins Invalid Disability Principle, Collective Access, says that everyone must be included in ways that are accessible to them. Therefore, there must be inclusive, accessible information on COVID-19 for everyone.

In this post, we will focus on ASL information and provide a list of ASL COVID-19 resources. Many of the resources are from an ASL video series on COVID-19. You can view the entire YouTube playlist here.

Go to section: Vaccines | Testing | Prevention |Extra precautions and accommodations | Children and schools |Testing positive for COVID-19 | General resources


Getting vaccinated is important to protect ourselves and our communities from COVID-19. Below is a list of ASL information on vaccines, which covers overall information on vaccines and boosters, resources for getting your vaccines, and what to expect when you get vaccinated for COVID-19.


Testing is another important way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Below is a list of ASL videos on how to get tested for COVID-19.


There are other ways to protect yourself from COVID-19, including wearing a mask. Below is a list of ASL videos that describe other ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Extra Precautions and Accommodations

Some people may require extra precautions and accommodations during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as people who are at a higher risk of illness and people who are pregnant. Below is a list of ASL videos that include information on extra precautions and support different groups of people may need.

Children and School

It can be stressful to send your child to school during a pandemic. Below is a list of ASL videos to help you and your student navigate learning during COVID-19, along with videos on how to talk to children about COVID-19.

Testing Positive for COVID-19

Testing positive for COVID-19 can be scary and overwhelming. It helps to have accessible information on what do to should you or a loved one test positive for the disease. Below is a list of ASL videos covering what to do if you have or think you have COVID.

General Information

There are many more resources and videos out there on COVID-19. For more information on COVID-19, below are a few final ASL resources you can view.

Additionally, The Arc Minnesota has many COVID-19 resources on our website. You can visit our COVID-19 page here for more information.

The post ASL Accessible COVID-19 Toolkit first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post ASL Accessible COVID-19 Toolkit appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

COVID-19 vaccinations approved for children ages 5-11 Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:28:43 +0000 Recently the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 for children ages 5 to 11 years old.

The post COVID-19 vaccinations approved for children ages 5-11 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post COVID-19 vaccinations approved for children ages 5-11 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

Recently the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 for children ages 5 to 11 years old.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends COVID-19 vaccinations in children ages 5-11 years old. Some children with disabilities and medical complexities may be at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Families and caregivers are strongly encouraged to consider vaccinating children with disabilities and medical complexities.

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has information on the COVID-19 vaccine in many languages, including American Sign Language, and audio-described videos.

MDH also has a guide about the COVID-19 vaccine specifically for family members and trusted supporters of children with disabilities. You can find it here: COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Special Needs or Disabilities: Information for Caregivers. You can find this guide in multiple languages here.


How to make getting the vaccine and information more accessible

Accommodations are possible, such as getting the vaccine in the car or a private room, dimmed lighting, and more. More information about accessibility and accommodations can be found here: Best Practices for COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Sites: Disability-related Accessibility.


Where do I get my child vaccinated?

To find a location for vaccinations, visit the state of Minnesota’s webpage Vax for Kids.

If you have an older child (12 to 17 years old) that has been vaccinated recently, or will be vaccinated soon, you can also register to win prizes and scholarships.

The post COVID-19 vaccinations approved for children ages 5-11 first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post COVID-19 vaccinations approved for children ages 5-11 appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Disabilities: Information for Caregivers (Multiple Languages) Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:02:01 +0000 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 12 years and older get a COVID-19 vaccination. People with

The post COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Disabilities: Information for Caregivers (Multiple Languages) first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Disabilities: Information for Caregivers (Multiple Languages) appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 12 years and older get a COVID-19 vaccination. People with disabilities or special health needs may be at higher risk for more severe illness from COVID-19. Families and caregivers are encouraged to strongly consider vaccinating children with any underlying health condition or disability.

The Minnesota Department of Health made a helpful guide for caregivers about what to expect when getting the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine safety. It also includes examples of requesting accommodations at vaccination sites. It’s been translated into 13 different languages to help all Minnesotans.

To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine and review COVID-19 resources visit the Minnesota COVID-19 Response website or visit our Advocate page.


Information for Caregivers in Different Languages

• COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Special Needs or Disabilities (English) (PDF)

• የCOVID-19 ክትባት ልዩ ፍላጎቶች ላላቸዉ ወይም አካል ጉዳተኛ ለሆኑ ወጣቶች (Amharic) (PDF)

• كوفيد-19 لقاح الخاصة أو ذوي االعاقاتللشباب ذوي االحتياجات (Arabic) (PDF)

• COVID-19疫 苗 供有特殊需求或残疾的 青少年使用 (Chinese) (PDF)

• Vaccin contre la COVID-19 Pour les jeunes ayant des besoins spéciaux ou des handicaps (French) (PDF)

• Koob Tshuaj COVID-19 Rau Cov Hluas Uas Muaj Tej Yam Cheem Tsum Kev Pab Ntxiv Lossis Xiam Oob Qhab (Hmong) (PDF)

• COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Special Needs or Disabilities (Karen) (PDF)

• ວັກຊີນ COVID-19 ສຳ ລັບໄວ ໜຸ່ມ ພິເສດ ຄວາມຕ້ອງການຫຼືຄວາມພິການ (Lao) (PDF)

• Talaallii COVID-19 dargaggoo fedhiiwwan addaa qabaniif ykn qaamaan midhamaniif (Oromo) (PDF)

• ВАКЦИНА ПРОТИВ COVID-19 Для молодых людей с особыми потребностями или ограниченными возможностями (Russian) (PDF)

• Tallaalka COVID-19 Ee Loogu Talagalay Dhalinyarada Baahiyaha Gaarka ah Leh ama Naafada ah (Somali) (PDF)

• Vacuna COVID-19 para jóvenes con necesidades especiales o discapacidades (Spanish) (PDF)

• THUỐC CHỦNG NGỪA COVID-19 dành cho các thanh thiếu niên có nhu cầu đặc biệt hoặc bị khuyết tật (Vietnamese) (PDF)

The post COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Disabilities: Information for Caregivers (Multiple Languages) first appeared on The Arc Minnesota.

The post COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Disabilities: Information for Caregivers (Multiple Languages) appeared first on The Arc Minnesota.
